The Apple in the Dark by Clarice Lispector

The Apple in the Dark by Clarice Lispector

Regular price $18.00 Sale

Very good condition, light wear only.

"The Apple in the Dark, Clarice Lispector’s fourth nov­el, was pub­lished in Rio de Janeiro in 1961, five years after she com­plet­ed the last of its eleven drafts. Begun in Agatha Christie’s home­town of Torquay, where Lispector’s hus­band, a diplo­mat, was a Brazil­ian del­e­gate to an inter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence, The Apple in the Dark was fin­ished in Clarice’s home in the Wash­ing­ton sub­urbs, where she spent most of the fifties.

“It was a fas­ci­nat­ing book to write,” she wrote a friend back in Rio de Janeiro. ​“I learned a lot doing it, I was shocked by the sur­pris­es it gave me — but it was also a great suf­fer­ing.” Her suf­fer­ing was not over when she fin­ished it, how­ev­er. Despite the best efforts of her friends and admir­ers, the book, like so many oth­ers lat­er acclaimed as mas­ter­pieces, lan­guished for years in man­u­script, as one pub­lish­er after anoth­er declined."